General terms and conditions for the provision of gaming services (last updated 12.05.2023).
Please read this Terms and Conditions of Use and the Luckybet.lv Privacy Policy carefully. It is recommended that you print these documents. They set out the terms and conditions on which the Game Service is provided to the Player and explains how the Operator processes and uses your personal data. Starting to use the game service on the Operator’s site, you agree to comply with the Terms and Conditions set forth in this document, as well as comply with the Privacy Policy with all amendments that may be made from time to time. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO READ THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND ACCEPT THEM BEFORE USING ANY SERVICE OFFERED BY THE GAME SERVICE. It is recommended that you read these Terms and Conditions every time you use this Game Service. These Terms and Conditions apply to all Players of the site. If you do not agree with the terms of the Agreement and the Privacy Policy or if you are under 18 (eighteen) years old, you are prohibited from using the services of the Game Service and you should immediately leave the site.
SIA "luckybet.lv" (hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”) is a company registered in Latvia (company identification number is 40103938486). Operator address: Zvejnieku Str., 1 k-14, Rīga, LV-1048. Operator’s e-mail: support@luckybet.lv. The Operator provides online gaming services (hereinafter referred to as the “Game Service”) under license number E-09 dated March 28, 2023, issued by Izložu un Azartspēļu Uzraudzības Inspekcija (IAUI). Game Service administration is located at Zvejnieku Str., 1 k-14, Rīga, LV-1048.
The Player is a private person who has reached 18 years of age, registered and approved by the Operator as a player (hereinafter referred to as the “Player”). To use the services of the Game Service, the Player must deposit funds into the Operator’s bank account intended for game expenses and bets.
This Agreement governs the relationship between the Operator and the Player for the time the Player uses the Game Service (hereinafter - the “Agreement”). Each time when entering the system with their personal identification data, the Player confirms their acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, as well as the rules of the games established by the Operator. It is forbidden to transfer the rights and obligations stipulated in this Agreement to a third party. For example, the Player cannot transfer their Game Account to a third party.
The Operator reserves the right to attract subcontractors.
In the event of a discrepancy between this Agreement and the Game Rules established by the Operator, the following priority should be adhered to:
- Game Rules;
- Agreement.
Game Rules are defined for each game of the Game Service.
This Agreement is made in Latvian and translated into English. In case of discrepancies between the Latvian version and the English version, the Latvian version takes precedence.
The term “Game Event” in this Agreement means an individual game made by the Player in the Game Service.
2.1. Registration requirements
2.1. Any individual over 18 years of age who has a Latvian personal identification number and a bank account in Latvia, through which the Operator makes payments, can be registered as the Player.
Additionally, the Player represents and warrants that he (she):
- over 18 years of age;
- fully legally competent;
- does not act on behalf of another person;
- is able to control their actions in the game;
- funds deposited by them on the Game Account are not received as a result of criminal or other illegal actions;
- does not conduct criminal activities directly or indirectly associated with the Operator’s Game Account.
The Player declares and warrants that the information provided by them in the registration form is complete, truthful and accurate. At the Operator’s request, the Player agrees to provide additional information at any time during the customer relationship. The Player undertakes to inform the Operator in a timely manner of any change in their personal contact information or information about the bank account. The Operator must be informed in writing of any changes to the name, username and/or personal identification number. The Player can change other information independently in the Game Service. The Player cannot use data (username or pseudonym) for the game that can be interpreted as offensive and/or provoke others. The Operator has the right to demand that such a name must be changed at any time.
The Operator has the right to ask the Player to confirm their identity, age or any other information provided by them, for example, using copies of credit cards, photographs, documents of identification documents and/or additional information to verify their identity at the discretion of the Operator, who reserves the right to collect, update and verify information with the help of third parties. This right is reserved for the Operator throughout the entire term of the customer relationship. The Player’s refusal to comply with such requests is considered a violation of this Agreement.
The Operator has the right at its own discretion at any time to refuse to register the Player or to declare a completed registration of the Player invalid without giving reasons.
2.2 Registration and processing of personal data
The Player gives their consent to the registration and storage of their personal data in the electronic registry of the Operator’s customers. This consent implies that the Operator has the right to use the information received from the Player in accordance with the Privacy Policy in order to be able to provide a personalized Game Service. Information can be used to prevent and detect unauthorized use or problematic situations in the Game Service, as well as to fulfill the Operator’s legal obligations and obligations imposed by authorities, in relation to both customers and authorities. The Player agrees that the Operator may receive, update and verify all personal data with the help of a third party.
2.3 Sending notifications via e-mail and text messages
The Player agrees that the Operator may send notifications regarding the Game Account and legal notices to the e-mail address specified by the Player when registering on the Operator’s site, and/or text messages (SMS) to the mobile phone number indicated by the Player when registering on the Operator’s site.
2.4 Confidentiality
The Operator must process all personal data in accordance with applicable laws on the protection of personal data. Personal data can be disclosed by the Operator only in accordance with the Privacy Policy and exclusively by those persons who are authorized to process personal data and who have committed themselves to confidentiality or who comply with the relevant confidentiality requirements.
2.5 Personal identity data
The Player selects personal identity data (hereinafter - “Personal identity data”) independently. Personal identity data becomes effective after the Player accepts the terms of the Agreement and the registration is completed.
The Player undertakes to store information about personal identity data in a place inaccessible to outsiders. If the Player suspects that their personal identity data has become known to another person, the Player must immediately notify the Operator.
In this case, the Operator reserves the right to temporarily block the Game Account as a preventive measure. The Operator does not bear any responsibility for losses incurred by the Player due to the disclosure of personal identity data to a third party.
If the Operator decides to refuse registration, personal identity data must be cancelled.
3. Game Account
3.1 Use of the Game Account
For each registered Player, the Operator shall open a personal Game Account. The Game Account is designed to control the Player’s game expenses and bets, to pay winnings by the Operator, as well as to withhold possible payment for services. The Game Account can only be used to participate in the Game Service. The Operator reserves the right at any time to limit payments from the Game Account for security reasons, etc.
A registered bank account or any other suitable method of transferring funds must belong exclusively to the Player, and each specifically mentioned method of transferring funds – a bank account or any other method of transferring funds – can be linked with only one Game Account.
The Player has the right to use the Game Account only on their own behalf, depositing funds to the account can be carried out only in the interests of the Player. The Player undertakes under no circumstances to allow others to access their Game Services through the Game Account. Players take full responsibility for operations with their Game Account. The Game Account is for personal use only.
The Operator reserves the right to charge a fee to the Player if the Game Account is used or is suspected of being used for any other purpose than the game, for example (without limitation), cash deposits with subsequent immediate withdrawal. Suspicious behavior on the Game Account will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
The Player is allowed to open only one Game Account in the Operator’s group. All operations in the Game Account are carried out in euros (EUR). All issues related to exchange rates are decided by the Operator according to the official exchange rates published by well-known international financial institutions at the time of the Game Event. Small deviations are allowed in the amount of funds deposited to the Game Account due to exchange rate fluctuations.
3.2 Payment service provider
luckybet.lv Ltd is using
AS Blue Orange Bank
Smilšu street 6, Riga, LV-1050, Latvia
Account No.: LV51CBBR1129454700010
Reg. No.: 40003551060
As a payment service provider.
3.3 Expenses
The Player is responsible for all expenses that the bank may withhold for payments related to the Operator’s bank account at the bank, or for credit transfers between the Operator’s accounts, other external transaction operators and the Player. The Player agrees to direct debit from their Game Account for any payment for services.
3.4 Processing and accounting of the Player’s funds with the Operator
Funds deposited by the Player are subject to accounting. The Operator must store the Player’s funds separately from their own; the Player’s funds must be deposited into a bank account. The Player gives their consent to the fact that the Operator stores the deposited funds together with the funds of other Players. The separation of funds is carried out only in the electronic accounting system of the Operator.
3.5 Calculation of interest on the funds of the Player
The Operator does not charge any interest on the Player’s funds deposited into the Operator’s bank account. The Operator does not charge interest on funds deposited into the Game Account.
3.6 The right of the Player to use the funds of the Game Account
The funds of the Game Account can be used for playing during the operation of the Game Service (see section 5), provided that the Game Account is not blocked or closed. Upon the Player’s request, the Operator must transfer all or part of the funds from the Game Account, withholding the possible service fees and taking into account other possible deductions, to a bank account or using another suitable method of transferring funds specified by the Player when registering on the Operator’s site.
Contributions and transfers of funds from the Game Account can only be made to or from a bank account; or using any other suitable means of transferring funds belonging to the Player.
The Operator recommends to the Player to keep a confirmation his deals(transactions).
The Player does not have the right to use the money, as well as any other rights, benefits and/or winnings obtained as a result of cheating or other violations of the rules of the games or the Terms and conditions of this Agreement, criminal activity, manipulation of game systems or by other unacceptable means. If the Operator has a suspicion or evidence that the Player has violated the game rules and/or the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement, as well as for other security reasons, the Operator has the right to restrict the Player’s access to the Game Service and/or refuse to pay money from the Game Account for a while as you wish.
The Operator has the right at any time before the transfer of money to verify the authenticity of the Player, their right to use means of payment and the right to money.
Depending on the result of the verification, the Operator has the right to refuse to pay the Player money from the Game Account and is not responsible for any delay in payments or other delays caused by the verification. If the Player’s behaviour causes suspicion in the Operator, the verification may last up to six (6) months. The length of this period may depend on decisions of the authorities or the legislature. During the time required to complete the process, the requested funds will be stored on the Player’s Game Account as frozen funds.
3.7 Prohibition of collateral and currency speculation
It is forbidden to use funds stored on the Game Account as collateral. It is forbidden to use the Game Account for currency speculation or for any other use of currency exchange rates. The Operator reserves the right, if necessary, to return the funds deposited by the Player on the Game Account at the exchange rate at the time of depositing the funds.
3.8 Possibility to block the Game Account be the Player
The Player can block the game funds for a selected period of time. If this action is performed more than three times in a calendar year, the Operator may consider closing the Player’s Game Account.
3.9 Possibility for the Player to block their Game Account
The Player may notify the Operator of the desire to block their Game Account. The term “Block the Game Account” here means that the Player wants to prohibit themselves from using the Game Account; and also prohibit the opening of a new Game Account. At the request of the Player, the Operator undertakes to block their Game Account. To do this, send a written notification (by e-mail) to the Operator of your request.
3.10 Receipt control
The Operator must not issue any game certificates or receipts for individual receipts to the Game Account. Receipts are recorded in the Game Service in electronic form. The Player agrees and acknowledges that receipts to the Game Account are consistent with their actions
3.11 Complaints and duration
Complaints about erroneous payments or non-receipt of winnings must be made in writing and sent to the Operator within 30 days from the occurrence or detection of an error. If the Operator does not receive a complaint within the specified period, the Player loses their right to demand a review of the discrepancy.
If a crash is detected upon closing, freezing, blocking, etc. of the Game Account executed by both the Operator and the Player, the Player must immediately inform the Operator. Under no circumstances shall the Operator be liable for bets that the Player has been able to make after closing, freezing or blocking the Game Account or applying another restriction established by the Player. Making the decision on registration independently, the Player fully assumes responsibility for the use of the Game Service.
3.12 External networks
For example, poker, bets and some casino games are conducted using external networks and are supplied by subcontractors with the participation of the Operator. These external networks are subject to additional Terms and Conditions other than those specified in this Agreement. Before starting work on such external networks, Players are advised to familiarize themselves with these Terms and Conditions.
4.1 General provisions
In addition to the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement, the Player agrees to always follow the established rules in all games provided by the Game Service. Any violation of the game rules or the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement will automatically mean that the Game Event is declared invalid and the Player loses their right to receive a winning in any invalid game. Throughout a customer relationship, the Operator has the right to declare the game invalid at any time as a result of a violation by the Player of the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement or game rules.
If the Player detects a defect or other error in the system, they must immediately exit the Game Service. The Player is under no circumstances permitted to exploit a defect or error in the Game System in order to make a profit. Immediately after the discovery of a defect or error, both directly in the Game Service and related to it, the Player must immediately notify the Operator.
4.2 Invalid games and prohibited actions
The Operator reserves the right to declare the Player’s Game Event fully or partially invalid if it becomes known that:
- it was suggested, requested or accepted on the basis of an error;
- the Player or third parties in collusion with the Player intended to evade the terms of the Agreement;
- the Player is suspended from participation in the Game Events in which the Player or third parties acting in collusion with the Player could directly or indirectly influence the final result; and/or
- the result of the Game Event is directly or indirectly obtained through criminal activity.
The Player undertakes to personally perform all actions with their Game Account, any deposit of funds to the Game Account can be carried out exclusively in the interests of the Player. It is not permitted to provide third parties access to the Game Service through the Game Account.
In relation to the Game Service, the following actions are strictly prohibited, in particular:
- using or attempting to use external game assistance programs (EPA programs), including but not limited to software or non-software databases and profiles, such as sites and subscription services, created to provide the Player with an unfair advantage. By an unfair advantage, we mean a situation when the Player uses information (or has access to such information) of other Players not obtained as a result of his own use of the Game Service;
- using or attempting to use artificial intelligence or programs that play on behalf of the Player or indicate to the Player how to play, for example, the so-called “bots”;
- conspiracy or attempted conspiracy through the exchange of information, hidden cards or by other means, regardless of the outcome of such an attempt. The Operator reserves the right, in addition to other measures, to prohibit the Player from placing bets and/or playing at a specific table or in a tournament, including the right to prohibit two or more Players from playing at the same table or in the same tournament;
- chip dumping or an attempt of chip dumping, regardless of the result of such an attempt;
- any attempt to change, modify, crack, decompile or in any other way find out how the program is built and/or
- any other fraud or attempted deception that aroused the suspicion of the Operator, regardless of the outcome of such an attempt, including, in particular, cases of illegal, fraudulent or unacceptable behaviour during the use of the Game Service. Measures include the above measures for other types of game fraud or illegal payments, including but not limited to the use of stolen accounts or credit cards, illegal credit, interest payments, or money laundering.
The Operator reserves the right to independently or through a third-party provider take measures to detect and/or prevent collusion, the use of prohibited EPA programs, bots, chip dumping and any other fraudulent or inappropriate actions.
The Player or any other person who intends to register in the Game Service is fully responsible for ensuring the legality of using the Game Service or registering it in the country or region of residence of the Player.
4.3 Restricted areas
The Operator can open the Game Account or accept payments from persons with a personal identification number of Latvia and a bank account in one of the banks in Latvia.
4.4 Illegal activities
The policy pursued by the Operator does not allow any illegal actions, and in case of suspicions or facts of their existence, the Operator can immediately terminate the customer relationship and close the Game Account. If necessary, the Operator will cooperate with authorities.
The Game Service is open for gaming at the time set by the Operator. Information on working hours is available in the Game Service. The above also applies to the Operator’s customer service and other office functions.
Winnings, as well as possible compensation for game expenses or bets, are automatically credited to the Game Account. The Player may request a transfer of funds from the Game Account to a specified bank account or other suitable method of transferring funds, provided that the specified method is registered and available for use by the Operator.
Minimum withdrawal amount is 10 euro per transaction, maximum withdrawal amount is 10000 euro per transaction.
Winnings are paid to the Game Account within the maximum period specified in Section 36 (3) of the Law on Gambling and Lotteries in Latvia; after the Operator has received instructions from the Player.
The Operator may extend the payment period in case of exceptional circumstances related to the suspicion of fraud or money laundering and/or terrorist financing.
Exchange of winnings for another prize is not possible. The Player is fully responsible for all taxes and fees that are deducted in connection with the winning. The Operator is under no circumstances liable for the consequences of transferring a winning made by the Player, or for any other actions taken by them in connection with the winning.
According to the Law on Personal Income Tax (Section 9, Part 1, Article 5), gambling winnings are subject to income tax if the winning (total amount) exceeds 3,000 euros for a tax year.
For information on taxes or legal issues, the Player is advised to contact a consultant or the authorities in the Player’s country of residence.
If funds from the Player have not been received within 3 (three) days on the Operator’s bank account, from the moment when Player’s gaming account has been replenished, the Operator has the right to unilaterally cancel the client’s all operations and winnings. In this case, the Player has no right to claim and receive any winnings, if the Operator has not received funds to his bank account within the specified period.
7.1 General provision
For some of the Games provided, and sometimes for a contact with the support service, the Operator or subcontractor offers a real-time interactive communication service (hereinafter referred to as the “Interactive Communication Service”). For Players using the Interactive Communication Service, the following provisions apply:
The Interactive Communication Service can only be used for the exchange of appropriate and relevant messages, questions and materials that do not contradict the legislation of Latvia and/or other applicable legislation, practical advice, as well as any other information that is appropriate for the purpose of the Game Service. Compliance with these criteria is determined solely by the Operator.
The Operator does not confirm or refute the opinion of any Player but may challenge the way of expressing this opinion.
7.2 Materials and activities
The Player declares and acknowledges that they are personally responsible for their use of the Interactive Communication Service and for all their messages and actions during interactive communication, as well as for all materials that they provide.
The term “Materials” in this context means the exchange of messages, documents and all other materials in the Interactive Communication Service. The Operator does not perform a preliminary verification of the Materials contained in the Interactive Communication Service and does not bear any responsibility for the Materials provided by the Players.
The Operator or subcontractor has the right at any time and without giving any reason to delete Materials that are objectionable for one reason or another. The Operator or subcontractor is not responsible for the delay or inability to remove the Materials.
The activities of the Player must be governed by generally accepted rules of conduct. Any of the following actions of the Player is considered a violation of the rules of use:
- Publishing a message, transmitting or promoting the distribution of prohibited or inappropriate Materials, as well as Materials that are harmful, offensive, racist or objectionable in any other sense. Discrimination is unacceptable;
- Promotion or encouragement of any unacceptable activity, violation of this Agreement or the game rules (fraud);
- Harassment, threats, putting somebody into an awkward position or inconvenience caused by any other way to other Players or the chat leader, interfering with normal conversation in the chat section, using abusive or obscene expressions, using functions not for the purpose intended, expressing a loud cry (all uppercase letters) or by carrying out other similar actions;
- Attempts to obtain a password, account information or other confidential information from another Player. Employees of the Operator will NEVER ask the Player for personal identity data or any other personal information;
- Publishing messages for a purpose other than communication, publishing Materials containing viruses, transmitting advertising or marketing materials, or using the Operator’s Interactive Communication Service for commercial purposes in any other way;
- Presenting yourself as another person, for example, as an employee or partner of the Operator or a representative of subsidiaries;
- Carrying out any other actions that are deemed by the Operator as unacceptable, for example, the creation of false security reports.
7.3 Security
Since interactive communication is carried out in real time, the Operator does not support, approve or verify the materials exchanged by the Players. Thus, the responsibility for the risk of using such materials lies entirely with the Player; they also undertake not to transmit confidential data and information such as bank account numbers and personal identification numbers during interactive communication.
Representatives of the Operator have the right to track information transmitted by the Player.
7.4 Violation of the terms of use
If the Player violates the provisions of the “Materials and Activities” section, the Operator has the right to take appropriate measures with respect to this Player. The Operator may issue a warning to the Player about a violation, decide to block the Interactive Communication Service, or immediately close the Game Account. In the event such measures are taken, the Operator is not required to notify the Player in advance.
7.5 Illegal activities
The policy pursued by the Operator does not allow any illegal actions, and in case of suspicion or facts of their existence, the Operator may terminate the customer relationship and close the Game Account. If necessary, the Operator will cooperate with authorities.
The Player acknowledges and agrees with the following provisions that do not limit their legal rights:
A. The Player uses the Game Service entirely at their own risk. The Game Service is provided on an “as is” basis. The Operator expressly disclaims all obvious and implied claims and warranties.
B. All game actions are taken by the Player at their own risk.
C. There may be some delay in the system or network of the Operator. The Operator has the right to set the result of each Game Event in the Game Service.
By registering as the Player and starting to use the Game Service, the Player is obliged to obey such decisions.
D. The Operator does not guarantee the following, in particular:
- that the Game Service will meet the expectations of the Player;
- that the Game Service will be available continuously or will work unmistakably, reliably and at a specific time;
- that the results obtained on account of using the Game Service will be correct and reliable;
- that the quality of products, services, information or other materials purchased or received by the Player through the Game Service will satisfy the expectations of the Player.
E. The Player is solely responsible for damage to their data system or data loss caused by downloading materials from the Game Service.
F. No written or verbal instructions or information received from the Operator or through the Game Service constitute any warranty unless otherwise obviously indicated in these Terms and Conditions.
The Player fully acknowledges and agrees that under no circumstances shall the Operator be liable for direct or indirect damage, including, in particular, delays, damage caused by unused opportunities of the Game Service, loss of profit, reputation, data licenses or other financial losses of the Player, caused by:
- use of the Game Service or the inability to use the Game Service;
- expenses associated with the need to replace any product or service based on any component, data, information or services acquired through the Game Service, from any message received through the Game Service or any transactions concluded through the Game Service;
- claims of third parties against the Player;
- illegal access to data transfer or its change;
- any other circumstances related to the Game Service.
The Operator exempt themselves from any claims regarding losses related to access to the Game Service, its functions, quality, possible errors, such as typos, defects, as well as other factors related to the Game Service, as they are not provided for by law.
The Operator is not liable for losses incurred by the Player as a result of force majeure circumstances or other similar circumstances that directly or indirectly affected the Operator and complicated the Operator’s activities too much (force majeure). Examples of force majeure circumstances include actual or potential labour disputes, government actions, war or military threats, sabotage, public unrest, demonstrations, fire, storms, floods, explosions, earthquakes, special conditions or restrictions on materials or resources, the inability to obtain appropriate permission, accident and defects in the electrical or telecommunications network.
Force majeure or other event beyond the control of the Operator, which impedes, delays or complicates the maintenance of the Game Service, gives the Operator the right to suspend or restrict the Game Service to a special order.
The Operator has the right to amend the Game Service, and also, if necessary, change the game rules without prior notice to the Player. Information about all amendments should be provided in the Game Service.
The Operator has the right at any time to amend the provisions of this Agreement. If the Operator introduces into the Agreement a provision that increases the responsibility of the Player or reduces their rights, which is not based on legislation, regulations or decisions of the authorities, they must notify the Player by means of a notice published in the Game Service or a message sent to the Player’s e-mail address in the Game Service or to the e-mail address provided by the Player when registering on the Operator’s site.
If the Player does not agree with the new provision of the Agreement, they must send the Operator a written notice of termination of the Agreement before the new provision comes into force. Otherwise, the new position is considered mandatory for the Player.
The Player has the right to terminate customer relationship with the Operator by sending a written notice of termination of the Agreement. Before the end of the customer relationship, the Operator must wait for the final results of all open Game Events. After that, the Operator must terminate the customer relationship and, at the Player’s request, transfer the funds to which the latter has the right, from the Game Account to a bank account or other suitable method of transferring funds, provided that the specified method is registered and available for use by the Operator. If the Player does not contact the Operator within three (3) years after the end of the customer relationship, then they lose their right to the funds remaining on the Game Account.
The Operator has the right to immediately freeze, block and/or terminate the customer relationship without prior notice and explanation of the reasons to the Player in the following situations or, if the Operator considers it necessary:
- The Player violates the Agreement or the game rules;
- According to the Operator, the Player uses improper or prohibited equipment for activities in the Game Service;
- There are not enough funds on the Player’s Game Account to pay the agreed service fees;
- The Operator has a reason to challenge the Player’s right to use the Game Account;
- The Operator has reason to suspect a crime, unauthorized use, fraud or attempt thereof in relation to the Game Service;
- Within 24 months, no transactions were registered on the Game Account;
- The Operator is forced to do this in accordance with the law or the decision of the authorities; and/or;
- The Operator considers this necessary, for example, for security reasons or to maintain the reputation of the Operator.
The Game Account may be blocked both completely for the entire Game Service, and partially for some games or provided services.
The Operator reserves the right to any of the above reasons, or if the Operator finds it appropriate to refuse to open the Game Account for any person or indicate a limit on a deposit and/or game.
The Operator has the right to save money on the Game Account and/or return funds received as a result of fraud or other violation of the game rules or the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement, criminal activity, fraud in the Game Service or any other unacceptable activity, including attempts to such activity or suspicion of it.
After the end of the customer relationship with the Player, the Operator withholds all outstanding debts and fees from the Game Account, the Player has the right to receive the remaining amount from the Game Account by transferring it to a bank account or using any other suitable means of transferring funds registered with the Operator.
If the method of transferring funds was not registered with the Operator, the Player cannot be identified or for other reasons the Operator considers it necessary to contact the Player, then a message will be sent to the e-mail address provided by the former Player at the last registration on the Operator’s site with a request to provide information about the method transfer of funds, proof of identity and/or other appropriate measures. If the Player does not respond to the Operator or does not contact them in any other way within three (3) years after the end of the customer relationship, then they lose their right to manage the funds on the Game Account. Funds received as a result of an unacceptable game or any other violation of this Agreement will not be paid to the Player, as their right to these funds is lost (see section 3.5).
Players with the Game Account blocked or with whom the customer relationship has been ended on the basis of the above reasons or by another decision of the Operator lose their right to participate in physical game tournaments and other events of the Operator.
The Materials of the Operator’s Game Service are protected as intellectual and industrial property, applicable regulations and international legal acts on copyright, as well as contracts. Any reproduction or distribution of any material contained in the Operator’s Game Service, including but not limited to text, illustrations, photographs, videos, music and computer programs, is expressly prohibited. Without exception, all rights not expressly granted by this Agreement remain with the Operator.
The Operator’s trademark and logo, as well as all related trademarks, names and slogans of products and services used in the Game Service, belong to the Operator and cannot be used in any way without the prior written permission of the Operator. Use of the Game Service by the Player does not mean granting the Player licenses or rights to use any trademarks and names displayed on the Operator’s site or in connection with the Game Service, without the prior written consent of the Operator or the relevant third party.
This Agreement is valid until further notice.
This Agreement is subject to the laws of Latvia. Any dispute related to the Agreement shall be settled through the courts of Latvia.